Wörthersee July 2015. Photo (c) C. Timmerer.
As the general chair of ACM Multimedia Systems (MMSys) 2016 I would like to welcome you to MMSys 2016 (#mmsys2016), the flagship scientific event in the area of multimedia systems research. After Scottsdale (2010), San Jose (2011), Chapel Hill (2012), Oslo (2013), Singapore (2014), and Portland (2015), MMSys 2016 will be held in Klagenfurt am Wörthersee, Austria on May 10-13, 2016.
It is a pleasure to announce the call for papers for MMSys as well as co-located workshops NOSSDAV, MoVid, and MMVE.

MMSys is a forum for researchers to present and share their latest research findings in multimedia systems enabling authors to present entire multimedia systems or present research work that builds on considerable amounts of earlier work in a self-contained manner. Please see the CfP for more details. The main conference is chaired by Christian Timmerer (general chair) and Ali C. Begen (technical program committee chair) with the following target dates:
- Submission deadline:
November 27, 2015 December 11, 2015
- Reviews available to authors: January 15, 2016
- Rebuttal deadline: January 22, 2016
- Acceptance notification: January 29, 2015
- Camera ready deadline: March 11, 2016

NOSSDAV will continue to focus on both established and emerging research topics, high-risk high-return ideas and proposals, and future research directions in multimedia networking and systems, in a single-track format that encourages active participation and discussions among academic and industry researchers and practitioners. Out-of-the-box ideas are particularly welcome. The preliminary CfP is available here and NOSSDAV will be organized by Hermann Hellwagner (general chair) and Eckehard Steinbach (TPC chair) with the following target dates:
- Submission deadline: February 5, 2016
- Acceptance notification: March 23, 2016
- Camera ready deadline: April 8, 2016
MoVid solicits original and unpublished research achievements in various aspects of mobile video delivery and is organized by Pål Halvorsen (TPC chair) and Qi Han (TPC co-chair). It comes with it’s own Web site and further details are available here.
- Submission deadline:February 5, 2016
- Acceptance notification:March 23, 2016
- Camera ready deadline: April 8, 2016
Massively Multiuser Virtual Environment (MMVE) systems are spatial simulations that provide real-time human interactions among thousands to millions of concurrent users. Details can be found here. The 8th MMVE workshop will be organized by Jean Botev (general chair) with the following target dates:
- Submission deadline: February 5, 2016
- Acceptance notification: March 23, 2016
- Camera ready deadline: April 8, 2016
Additionally, MMSys typically features special sessions, a dataset track, and a demo session which comes with separate calls and timelines announced in due time.
For MMSys 2016 we are happy to announce two Special Sessions, one as a continuation of MMSys’15 and one as a new topic that we would like to bring into multimedia systems research community.
- Special session on Augmented Reality organized by Carl S. Marshall (Intel Corporation, Portland, OR, USA) and Jonathan Ventura (University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, USA)
- Special session on Media Synchronization organized by Pablo Cesar (CWI, The Netherlands)
The MMSys Dataset Track is an integral part of the conference since 2012 and provides an opportunity for researchers and practitioners to make their work available (and citable). Authors publishing datasets will benefit by increasing the public awareness of their effort in collecting the datasets. The dataset track will be organized by Karel Fliegel who is hosting the QUALINET dataset at Czech technical university in Prague.
Finally, the Demo Session provides an opportunity for participants to showcase their research prototypes, systems, and applications to MMSys attendees and will be organized by Omar Niamut (TNO) and Michael Zink (UMass).
Details regarding the conference will be posted online in due time. Please check this Website for further updates or follow us on Twitter.